Saturday, February 28, 2009

doing stuff, saying we do stuff

Yesterday was the inspection by the state, by two agencies. We did very good. Our principal was worked over, gathering files, organizing stuff, his wife is pregnant. He is a good man, unlike many other principals I met or have heard about.
My students asked "when are they going to come in." I had to explain that looking in the classrooms was the least of their things. "Aren't you worried?"

"no, I do everything right."
After a few minutes the students agreed, that the posters on the wall and decorating and objectives and dressing up efforts stuff I did anyway. I personally think that putting students' work on the wall for review is silly, no student is going to thing "I have some extra time I think I'll go check out the work on the wall." But it makes my principal happy and I remove the student's name.

Surely these inspectors are not fooled. They can see real effort versus performing.

Also I pointed out, "do you really think I'm scared of a former English teacher telling me how to teach science?"

Of course they wanted to see the lab during lunch. My safety stuff is always together there is a new poster they want, no biggie. Then he wanted the curriculum pacing guide. I kept asking him to repeat what he said. So I make sure all the science teachers are on the same wavelength?
What to teach when? I bit back, "that is what the frameworks are for and we don't really have a department, a department implies a cohesion, a tradition. I have been here for two years and I have seniority. The biology teacher is new and not staying, the lower grade science teacher is new here...etc. "

There probably is a guide, I just never saw it. Which is probably just as bad as not having one.

If I have to have a pacing guide of who is supposed to teach what and when, I want the math department involved. I am tired of blank stares when I cover certain math functions they must use in my class, and the deer in the headlight look is not they forgot it...they never learned it.

There are times I wonder if such people can be fooled. I know for a fact that in my field that the state mandated 20% teaching time is lab is not followed at every school, so are they blind or do they wink wink nod nod.

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