Sunday, September 24, 2023

Customer service

 In an attempt to get healthier, I have started the diet and workout routine.

I am going to a Crossfit gym every morning.  Since I am older and I have never been athletic, it has been a challenge.  Sometimes I do not finish the workout.  Usually I am the last one to finish.  But I am there every morning and have for the past five weeks.

Another goal is to follow the martial arts.  Our local college offers Akido, lessons are free but I pay in providing food for the blessing box for students.

I ordered a Gi from an online company.  I sent a message in for advice on the sizing.  I had made complete measurements of myself for a sewing project.  They sent me back a recommendation.  I went and ordered it.  It was too small.

They were very nice about instructions for a replacement.  I am waiting for it to arrive.  Their response was "we size on height and weight."  Okay.

So let me understand this, you do not know enough about your product that you do not know the  specific measurements of your product?  Should you not know them for chest hips, etc?