Monday, August 22, 2016

me too

We, my daughter, her teaching colleague and colleague's 1.5 year old son have decided to go to The Big City to get fabric.  Map fabric so the History teacher can have a skirt.

Conversations keep revolving around teaching, except for toddler who would howl like an adorable wolf puppy.  Senior skip day..."our kids could not put it together.  I suggested that instead of one thing they do groups, one group wanted to fish and barbecue, one wanted the trampoline park, my geeky kids wanted to watch Dr. Who and have pizza."

colleague..."heck sign me up for senior skip day...."

later after picking up other daughter and fixing my freshly broken driving glasses...

My daughter and colleague are singing to fussy kinda sounds familiar.

Me:  "What are you singing...?"

buddy...."from Rent."  I recognize it as the "end of the millinium song."

Me:" your kid is going to so f888 when he grows up."

there was a lots of giggling then from the back seat.

(still have car seat in car, can't figure out how to detatch it and they have a spare.)

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