Thursday, March 24, 2016

retro trade show

My husband and I went to a retro trade show.  I bought a lens with the plan to put a leather frame on it to use in class.
A gentleman rebuilt typewriters.
I have an old one left from a project and I have decided to fix it up.  Problem already is when I took some screws out they fell apart.  I have one I can use as a sample. The carrage does not advance, I think I have the wiring that is needed to make this happen.

So Slide Rules, including a class one I am showing my students.  Calipers, a _good_ metal micrometer.  I have used the drafting set already to measure the leather for the lens.

buy american

I realized my feet had hurt, my husband and I were on the way to the big city so we stopped at Gander Mountain for shoes.

I got two lovely pairs but I also purchased these made in America socks.

They are awesome.  Warm, stretchy, fit my normally small feet.  I have decided that every time I throw away a pair of socks, I am going to get another pair of these.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

when the carpenter met the lush...

Wood infused alcohol...and here I thought wood was just for furniture.

meat eater

Although you can see my hand and camera, you can see the times of the brisket, pulled pork and other meaty goodness.
Smoke in Dallas has pulled pork for its Eggs Benedict instead of Canadian Bacon

da da....DA! dat dat DA! ...Tusk!

Mic Fleetwood came up this when he was hungover at the French Rivera.  There was a band marching around.

Tusk 1979

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Shop tip

when working with power tools, put Bag Balm on your hands.

They soften the hands so they do not dry out.
It lets your grip better.
It protects your hands from grime and wear.
When (not if) you cut yourself, the sulfur in the Balm will start the antibiodic reaction.

Friday, March 11, 2016

This is going on my classroom wall.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

"I will get a hose"

We are currently in an area with record rainfall.   Wednesday I told my students what I was told.

"we won't shut school down early unlesss the school floods."  ( live in a rural area where some roads are flooded.)

student, "is that a challenge?"

*** we did release early and took the next day off***

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Blogger challenge Day 3

Day 3: Discuss one “observation” area that you would like to improve on for your teacher evaluation.

My official one is
2b Establishing a Culture for Learning • Importance of content • Expectations for learning and achievement • Student pride in work

This is because we are going into SBE.  What I am really trying this year is to reshape how I teach and grade.  I want to get out of the "worksheet" paradigm.  The problem with this is since I teach science, projects are not really the way to go.

I can do it in my Environmental Science class, and honestly I have not tried.  I have a few ideas using "bingo" and "menu".  But I have not done it.  My excuse is "these students can't do it."  I think my real reason is I have never done it before.  We have a new nine weeks coming so I can do it then.  I will be doing a project for my chemistry class in which they make paper dolls of famous scientists toward the end of the year.

Back to this.  I walk a line of having students work on their assessments, then not running around putting out fires.