A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Song of Fire and Ice creator George RR Martin takes place in the Game of Thrones universe. The charcters are Dunk and Egg. Dunk, or Ser Duncan the Tall, is a poor Hedge knight, a knight who must sleep in the hedges for he has no lord. Dunk, who was a street urchin from the city of Kings Landing, was squired to an older hedge knight, Dunk knows no other life. Egg is Aegon the grandson of the current king of Westeros. Egg is ten when through events of the first section, becomes Dunk's squire while meeting at an inn o the way to the tourney.
The book is three parts. How Dunk and Egg met at a tourney. Dunk and Egg's working for a minor lord in a squabble over a dam during a drought. Then another tourney where they stumble into men of power and ambition.
Unlike the Song of Fire and Ice, this book seems light hearted. Dunk and Egg simply are. Dunk knows only what the "old man" who taught him about knights. Dunk truly believes in honor. Although he berates himself as "Dunk the Lunk," Dunk is smart, just not educated and he cannot read. Dunk is also tall, just under seven feet. Egg on the other hand, is educated as befits a Dragon Prince. Egg must hide his identity as a prince, not because he must, but because he has choosen to follow the life. When he interacts with those that know the truth, he is proud and not afraid.
The book has lavish black and white illustrations which are true to the characters' descriptions.
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