Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Snarkness rising

I have to have several days of training next year with some kind of additional training teacher school.  Me and several colleagues.  I get a letter saying, "you are accepted, here's the dates and location.  Please acknowledge..." type thing. Being a loyal pawn...employee, I send my RSVP.

Little while later email pings back.

"We are excited to have you.  "

Why?  You do not know me.  You do no know what I need or what can offer or what I want?

"If you know someone who was not selected, please encourage them to re-apply next year.  There were many qualified applicants and a limited number of spots, so the selection process was especially difficult and challenging this year."

  The only reason I signed up was because I was ordered to.  Those that applied from my school are like me.  The school wants us all to attend whether we want to or not.  I think that instead of driving the 3 hours there, spending 3 days....I'd be better if I just had some time to think and plan.

No, of course I did not send the letter.  But that is my feelings.

Now in fairness many of my co workers have gone, and think that it helps them.

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