Wednesday, December 26, 2012


like many people I watch American Preppers sometimes.  Maybe they are extreme but there is nothing wrong with being ready for problems.  So step by step I am doing some, hopefully, common sense things to make safer and prepare for emergencies.  I have plans, and I am not doing it all at once.  First step is preparing a first aid kit.  I am making two, one for in the car, one in the bug out bag when I start that halfway through January.

So first aid kit

tape, gauze (pads, and rolls), bandaids, butterfly closures, tegaderm, neosporin, nitrile gloves, ace bandage, athletic tape, eyewash fluid, burn gel, nitrile gloves, cold pack, sting relief pen. 

I'm pressed for space.  There are a few things more that I would like and may ditch the cold pack and burn gel.  There are burn pads that can do the same job.  I have an israeli bandage on order.

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