Wednesday, June 20, 2012

oh geez

I'm getting ready for my third day of cleaning the class.  Hopefully this is the last day of tossing stuff and I can organize.  I open a desk drawer and it is full black worksheets.  I do not mean has some I mean packed full.  Discarded library books older than I am, they have a stamp "discard".  Two toasters, coffee pot and a microwave.  There are chemicals left over from a lab in beakers.  Finally figured out what one is (found a copy of the lab, it may have been the only lab he did), so I can go through the disposal of it.

I have a promethean board but it looks like it was hooked up to a laptop that I cannot find.  Maybe I can get one from my husband to test it out.  The projector works, just no computer.  The computer in the office is not hooked up to the electronic stuff since it the class' office.

The fact that there is a large TV with vcr tape gives me a clue what person was doing.

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