Hubby and I garden. This year we swore that after the initial hard work setting it up we would keep working on the maintainence part to keep the garden going well. Last year he built a light box so we could start things from seeds. It worked well and it is doing well with herbs and such.
We are out setting out stuff and landscaping. Hubby is watering the plants in the light box. He tells me "you know the things in here look spindly".
"yea they just try to grow up to the light."
"I read that you are supposed to stroke them 20 times every day."
"whaaaat?....okay I get it, they are protected in the box..."
We agreed in the box there is no wind, no rain, nothing that would gently break some of the growth, so in the box they are taller and less leafy. But still...
He says, "I'm just going to take them out of the box and put them outside now, its windy so if they are out here when we work, that should do it."
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