Tuesday, April 27, 2010

politics for football

Like one education leader in our state, I really think that instead of having schools sponsor athletics, it should be the job of the community. Hey want your kids to play, fine practice is after school at the park. Your taxes pay for it. Everybody can play. Coaches do not have to deal with classes or teachers complaining that the star athlete is a discipline problem. Then they can deal with what they love, coaching. And I don't have to worry about students missing class because of games or practice.

Because our school is doing poorly academically, the state may get rid of practice during school time, errr..."athletics" Right now, football is a class at end of day that extends into practice. Sure we can have sports or such, just its not during school time. I personaly hope it happens. More class time, and heck the extra coaches just might have to teach something, or go out and dig ditches.

1 comment:

  1. I concur. Also, "throwaway" classes would not be taught by disinterested coaches who have to justify their paychecks. Sports in school? Meh.
