Sunday, September 24, 2023

Customer service

 In an attempt to get healthier, I have started the diet and workout routine.

I am going to a Crossfit gym every morning.  Since I am older and I have never been athletic, it has been a challenge.  Sometimes I do not finish the workout.  Usually I am the last one to finish.  But I am there every morning and have for the past five weeks.

Another goal is to follow the martial arts.  Our local college offers Akido, lessons are free but I pay in providing food for the blessing box for students.

I ordered a Gi from an online company.  I sent a message in for advice on the sizing.  I had made complete measurements of myself for a sewing project.  They sent me back a recommendation.  I went and ordered it.  It was too small.

They were very nice about instructions for a replacement.  I am waiting for it to arrive.  Their response was "we size on height and weight."  Okay.

So let me understand this, you do not know enough about your product that you do not know the  specific measurements of your product?  Should you not know them for chest hips, etc?

Saturday, August 26, 2023

New Uniforms

 I saw our Junior ROTC First Sergeant in the new Army uniform.

Like many changes, there are things he likes about it and things not so much.

I am not sure about the slouch of the hat.  That was done by the Air Corps then so that they could have the headsets over the hats.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

It is creativity.


There is a scholarship of 2000 dollars for writing a piece on Zombie Apocalypse.  The writing must be less than 250 words.  One winner wrote a filk using a tune from Hamilton.

More at the link

How do contact you?

 Yesterday was our ACT testing.  In our state it is the standardized test for Juniors to rate our school.

I was proctoring a pair who had accommodations.  Bright  young people just needing more time.  One could not bubble in his address because he had just moved.  The other could not remember how to spell the street. 

After a slight blinking moment I realized, "it is no as important now, it is all Digital."


"Thousands of youths are compelled to join military’s Junior ROTC"

I am not seeing how this is a bad thing.

The story starts with a student who has been enrolled in JROTC.

 "In the class, students had to wear military uniforms and obey orders from an instructor who was often yelling, Thomas said, but when several of them pleaded to be allowed to drop the class, school administrators refused.

“They told us it was mandatory,” Thomas said."

Our school has JROTC.  I have never heard our JROTC instructors yell.  Well, not anymore than any other teacher. Though I am sure they would like to.  And assign PT as a punishment.

It is not like boot camp with Drill Sergants frothing at the mouth from screaming.  It is not "military uniforms," it is "military style uniforms."  These students are not in the military.  

As far as mandatory, it is more likely "you have to be somewhere."  When I would talk to new JROTC instructors, I would be asked "Why is he/she in ROTC?'  

My réponse would be "He has to be somewhere."

Monday, May 9, 2022

Isn't this sexist

 In preparing for the senior award ceremony, the school counselor came to my class of 11th graders.

"I apologize for interrupting your class, I need two boys to help move stuff."  For the ceremony.

I choke back, "isn't that sexist."

Instead, I say, "you mean you need two willing students.  I have many girls that may want to help."

Two boys did volunteer, my borderline hyper ones who bounced up.  

Sunday, March 15, 2020

administrative tests

My daughter and friends of mine are getting their administrator certification.
We were talking about the types of situations that come up in the real world.

1.  You are told by a student that there is a raccoon in the choir room and that it is probably nesting in the ceiling.  Do you 
    a.  announce a new school mascot
    b.  let the cafeteria workers deal with it
    c.  notify animal control

2.  as you walk by you notice that a teacher is swearing at the copier machine that it is out of toner. Your best choice of action is
   a.  walk by pretending not to notice\
   b.  let the secretary deal with it
   c.  offer to help